Saving the Kimberley. Our land or Gasland?

Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 19, 2012 -
7:00pm to 10:00pm
Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney

Saving the Kimberley. Our land or Gasland?
Why the campaign to save the Kimberley from gas and industrialisation matters in Sydney and across NSW.

Speakers: Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert from WA; Lyndon Schneiders, National Director of The Wilderness Society; Geoff Cameron from Beyond Zero Emissions. Chaired by Coal and Gas Campaigner Justin Field.

7pm, Thursday 19th April
Mechanics School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney CBD
Entry $10, $5 (unwaged)

The Kimberley is twice the size of Victoria and includes some of the largest intact natural areas left on the planet as well as a significant marine environment for many threatened and endangered species.

At James Price Point - 60km north of Broome - Woodside is planning a $45bn LNG processing plant. As well as its destructive impact on the environment indigenous culture and tourism if this huge project proceeds it will establish a gas future for Australia for the next three or more decades.

Three of Woodside’s joint venture partners in the project would prefer the LNG processing plant was built at the North West Shelf in the Pilbara where there is already existing infrastructure. But the Federal and WA governments are supporting James Price Point as it’s a big enough project to provide the infrastructure (airport, port, roads, pipes etc) needed to open up the whole Kimberley to industrialisation such as huge bauxite mines on the Mitchell Plateau, large-scale irrigated agriculture in the Fitzroy valley right down to the development of gasfields in the Canning basin. This is all incompatible, destructive and inherently unsustainable in this wilderness landscape and the impact on Native Title land holders is significant.

Hear from Australian Greens Senator Rachel Siewert; Lyndon Schneiders, National Director of The Wilderness Society and Geoff Cameron from Beyond Zero Emissions about the national campaign to save the Kimberley from industrialisation and why from Broome to Sydney we don’t need the gas.

More information on the Kimberley

Contact Isabel McIntosh, ph 0412 407472.
organised by Stop CSG Sydney.
