Refugees and Racism in Australia - Resistance Forum.

Contact Phone: 
0425 763 373
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, July 27, 2010 -
1:00pm to 2:15pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Denis R
Asia Centre G01, Melbourne University.

Melbourne University Resistance Club presents:

Socialist forum: Refugees and Racism in Australia


Pamela Curr,

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre

Alex Horwood,

Researchers for Asylum Seekers

1pm, Tuesday, July 27

The new Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, has shown her support for the racist, Howard-era style method of “ disposing” of the refugee problem by constructing a detention camp in one of the most impoverished countries of South-East Asia - East Timor.

This forum will address the problem of asylum seekers in Australia and present some of the more viable alternative solutions to Labor and Liberal.

Asia Centre G01

Melbourne University

For more info, phone 0425 763 373
