Re-occupy Melbourne

Date and Time: 
Saturday, October 29, 2011 -
12:00pm to 11:45pm
Treasury Gardens

Occupy Melbourne intends to resume peaceful occupation of public space in Treasury Gardens after walking from the State Library of Victoria after assembling at 12noon, on Saturday the 29th of October.

The violent eviction of the peaceful assembly of people in City Square last Friday demonstrated that Australians have indeed lost our voices within our democracy. When our elected representatives fail at even their most basic of tasks as instructed by taxpayers, and fail to listen to the concerns of their constituents, the need to continue a dialogue in our public spaces becomes all the more vital.

Occupy Melbourne has always been committed to peaceful public assembly, free speech and social justice. That commitment remains unchanged. We are re-establishing contact with the City of Melbourne in an attempt to guarantee public safety ahead of Saturday’s re-occupation.

Please join us on Saturday, 12 noon on the State Library lawns to help celebrate our commitment to a Real Democracy for all Australians. Together we can build a better future.
