Rally: Shut Down Serco! End Mandatory Detention! Free the Refugees!

Date and Time: 
Friday, September 16, 2011 -
12:30pm to 2:00pm
Serco Offices, Corner of Bourke and William Streets, Melbourne 3000 (meet in the courtyard on the South-East corner)

Serco destroying lives for profit! End mandatory detention! No deportations! Free the refugees!
Serco is the company that profits off the incarceration of asylum seekers. The Immigration Department privatises the running of Australia's network of inhumane prisons known as detention centres. Australian Government privatises their violation of some 6400(6/11) Asylum Seekers human rights and Serco are more than eager to profit from this human suffering.

We condemn the violent actions of Serco. The beating of an Indian man being forcibly deported to India August 17, We condemn Serco guards use of violence to suppress protests from detainees. We condemn Serco’s constant intimidation of asylum seekers. We condemn Serco and the Australian government for their plans to forcibly deport refugees.

We call for an end to mandatory detention and the end of Serco's contract to abuse vulnerable people fleeing persecution. Human rights and human lives are not and should never be for profit!

Called by Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) – www.rac-vic.org and www.facebook.com/racvic
