Rally: International Day of Solidarity with Honduras

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 23, 2012 -
11:00am to 12:30pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Iberoamerican Plaza, Central Station, at Devonshire Street/Chalmers St exit


RALLY: International Day of Solidarity with Honduras
Saturday 23 June 2012 @ 11am

Denounce the coup in Honduras!
End the Political Killings, Human Rights Violations and Environmental Exploitation!

Join us in solidarity with the People of Honduras against the the continued political killings, human rights violations and environmental exploitation that has been driven by an internationally coordinated military coup since 28th June 2009.

Outraged by these ongoing abuses, friends from many parts of the world converged in Bajo Aguan, Honduras in February this year to declare that 28 June 2012 would be the International Day of Solidarity With Honduras. In Bajo Aguan alone there have been more than 50 farmers assassinated for their resistance against the coup in their fight for land rights.

Honduras is now seen as the 'murder capital' of the world, the persecution of the Honduran people is not slowing down. In the past month there has been a surge in the frequency of political killings.

This is an invitation to participate as a community in solidarity with Hondurans resisting the continuation of a brutal internationally coordinated military coup and honour those resisters that have been murdered in the past month among the many that have gone before them:


1 May 2012: A young Lenca Indigenous man, Santos Rodríguez, was killed in his home.

2 May 2012: Singer and unionist of Sitraunah (autonomous uni workers´ union) Rigoberto Matute, was run over and killed.

3 May 2012: University lecturer, belongs to Sitraunah, Miguel Barahona, assassinated by hitmen.

5 May 2012: LGBTI human rights activist, journalist and aspiring candidate, Erick Martínez (32), went missing on 5 May and was found dead on a highway kerb 2 days later.

8 May 2012: Community leader of Choloma Cortés, and sympathiser of the resistance party, Edilberto Solano, was assassinated by hitmen on a motorcycle.

11 May 2012: Massacre of indigenous Miskito people by gunfire from U.S. State Department – titled helicopters that the US government confirms carried U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents and security contractors. Four were killed, including two pregnant women, a 14-year-old boy and a 21-year-old man, while at least four more were seriously injured.

16 May 2012: An organised farmer, Juan José Peralta (60), of the Marañones MUCA settlement was riddled with bullets by palm oil giant Facussé´s (and known oligarchy) security guards.

18 May 2012: An organised farmer, José Del Cid (41), also of the Marañones MUCA settlement was shot and killed by unidentified persons.

20 May 2012: Resistance activist who was involved with leftist parties, ´el Pollito´ (dear little chicken) Jesús Pineda (55) was shot by unknown hitmen

31 May 2012: An organised farmer Erick Rivera (40), previously of Marañones, was shot dead by unknown persons despite being with a bodyguard.

Denounce the coup in Honduras!
End the Political Killings, Human Rights Violations and Environmental Exploitation!


Messages reading and words from Colectivo Mujer Sydney, in solidarity with Feministas en Resistencia and the lgbti struggle in Honduras

Message reading and words from Friends of the Earth Sydney, in solidarity with farmers in land struggle in Honduras

Vriduar Vega, a CFMEU Organiser


music - Sánchez Family
street theatre - El Generalito

Others tbc
