Rally for Marriage Equality Brisbane

Date and Time: 
Saturday, August 11, 2012 -
1:00pm to 3:00pm
Queens Park Brisbane, QLD

Organised by Equal Love Brisbane

On the 8th Anniversary of the ban on marriage equality, join us on the streets once more to keep the pressure up.

8 years too long, but we are closer than ever to seeing an end to this homophobia in law.

62% of Australians, the ALP National Conference, Barack Obama, 10 national governments across Europe, South America, North America and Africa and 6 states of the USA all support marriage equality.

But Gillard and Abbott still say no! 8 years ago Liberal and Labor MPs passed legislation to prevent the recognition of same-sex marriages. Every year since people have protested on the legislation's anniversary around the country.

There are 3 bills in front of the parliament to amend the Marriage Act, more politicians publicly declaring their support, and an unstoppable momentum towards equality.

Now is definitely the time to rally!

More details TBA
