Rally : Farmers and Shoppers World-Wide say No ! Monsanto !

Date and Time: 
Thursday, February 18, 2010 -
7:00am to 10:00am
Hilton on the Park, 192 Wellington Parade East Melbourne (near Fitzroy Gardens)

Monsanto spokesperson Peter O’Keeffe will address the Rural Press Club at the “Hilton on the Park” promoting farmers’ “choice” to grow GM canola and Monsanto’s role in the future of agriculture.

In solidarity with majority world farmers who are fighting for sovereignty against multinational control of their land and patented seed monopoly, we will rally outside the Hilton to say “No! Monsanto !”

Profits, seed monopoly and patenting are Monsanto’s real agenda.

From the cotton fields of Indonesia, where the company was fined $US1.5 million for bribery while trying to influence a GM cotton approval, to India, where over 100,000 people fasted in January 2010 against seed monopoly and GM eggplant introduction, first world awareness of the threat of GM crops is building. Corporate spin will not convince us that Monsanto’s patented seeds will “feed the world”.

We don’t want unstable, untested GM food products on our plates while GM canola spreads and contaminates our paddocks, in the name of a farcical “choice” which destroys our choice to farm and eat GM free.

Join us for a GM free breakfast rally with speakers and debate.

Rally sponsors :
MADGE http://www.madge.org.au
LASNET http://www.latinlasnet.org
GENE ETHICS http://geneethics.org
FOE MELBOURNE http://www.melbourne.foe.org.au
