RAAF 2012 Ideas to Change the World

Date and Time: 
Friday, July 27, 2012 - 9:00am to Sunday, July 29, 2012 - 5:00pm
Trades Hall 54 Victoria Street, Melbourne, VIC 3053

Renegade Activists presents to you a weekend of ideas to challenge Capitalism. Over the last year we have seen and been involved in vastly different struggles taking on the system.

The world rose as one to Occupy and the Arab spring rocked the very foundations of the system.
Leaders have come and gone and not just in Canberra and austerity cuts have forced people the world over into struggle.

On top of the economic crises we still face the environmental impacts of human made climate change.
With an Environmental movement (mainly) unwilling to put blame at the problem Capitalism.

Despite what we are told by Gillard and Obama the wars continue in Iraq and Afghanistan now run mainly by blackwater machines and drones.

While at home we face an attack on our right to protest and ramped up pressure to our costs of living and survival despite any crumbs from the Government.
More and more workers face uncertain futures with thousands already been sacked across the country.
The picket at Baiada and the Nurses strike have shown some of what can be achieved through our industrial power when workers hold strong.

This year marks 20 years since Mabo yet the NT intervention and the proposed Muckaty waste dump show how far we have to go for land rights and sovereignty.

43 years since Zelda D'Aprona chained herself to the commonwealth building for equal pay the struggle has continued in the courts. But How has Sexism, Patriarchy and Women's oppression changed since then?

This is not enough we need sustained action against the Government and Bosses threatening our lives.

RAAF are bringing some fantastic activists to look at the issues facing us today and what we plan to do about it.

Get Involved Question Everything
Renegade Activists Action Force (RAAF)

Please note there will be free child care and food available throughout the conference.

Full Timetable and Program available shortly stay tuned
0422 743 573
