Protesta Melbourne: Patagonia Sin Represas

Date and Time: 
Saturday, May 28, 2011 -
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Melbourne GPO Melbourne, Australia

Friends we would like to invite you to our protest against the project Hidroaysen...No dams in the Patagonia and in support of our fellow Chilean people who will protest throughout the Chile Friday 27 of May to state their anger to the Chilean Government.

New voices in Chile’s state agencies and government have recently been calling for the rejection of HidroAysén’s massive hydroelectric proposal in Patagonia – some even questio...ning the legality of the most recent phase in the project’s environmental review process. This new disapproval of the scheme clearly shows that the company’s recent national media campaign is not working yet. During the months leading up to the next phase of the project’s environmental impact review in April 2011, it will be crucial for these voices – and more – to continue to cry out against this destructive, unnecessary project.

Iniciamos una protesta encontra de Hidroaysen y en apoyo a las protesta que se daran a lo largo de Chile el 27 de Mayo para decirle al Presidente Piñera: Patagonia Sin Represas!.

Yo como una persona comun y corriente y con mis compañeros les ago un llamado a todos los Chilenos y Compañeros que se encuentran en Melbourne que porfavor participen para que mostremos nuestro apoyo a todo Chile que esta desacuerdo con este projecto que todos sabemos que destruyera Nuestra Patagonia!
