Protest: Stop the Racist NT Intervention! Equal Pay and Jobs with Justice!

Date and Time: 
Friday, March 4, 2011 -
5:00pm to 6:30pm
Contact Email:
State Library of Victoria, Melbourne

Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective demands an end to the exploitation of Aboriginal workers in the Northern Territory. Under the Intervention policies, Aboriginal people are working for rations whilst living in extreme poverty with the government denying basic services. The NT Intervention is a determined attack on Aboriginal self-determination and has only lead to further disadvantage.

This rally demands an end to the NT Intervention, and we are drawing particular attention to the unfair working conditions that many Aboriginal people are being forced into. MAIC supports the 'Jobs with Justice' campaign, and we will be gathering signatures for a petition which will be tabled when parliament resumes.

The petition is being sponsored by the CFMEU (Construction Forestry and Energy Union) and Unions NT. It has a particular focus on the use of CDEP workers by the $672 million Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program (SIHIP). We are demanding backpay at appropriate award rates for all of these workers, along with an end to arrangements forcing people to work for the BasicsCard and investment in community based employment programs across all Aboriginal communities.

We are calling for endorsement for this rally, and we invite community groups and unions to march alongside us.

If you would like to support the campaign and collect signatures for the petition at your workplace/campus/ neighbourhood, please get in touch with us or come along to our weekly meetings.
MAIC meets every Monday at 6.30pm at the New International Bookshop in Trades Hall.

Support this event on Facebook by clicking here:

Support MAIC by joining the Facebook group:



Print some leaflets and posters by clicking here:

Print the petition to collect signatures here:

