Palestinian Film: Memory of the Cactus - 6pm Monday 29 November, Tom Mann Theatre, Surry Hills

Date and Time: 
Monday, November 29, 2010 -
6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Tom Mann Theatre, 136 Chalmers St., Surry Hills (just 5 mins from Central)

Film Screening: Memory of the Cactus

6pm Monday 29 November 2010 - UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Tickets: $15 / $10 For bookings or enquiries:

Film screening and three member speakers panel including Sylvia Hale, former NSW Greens MLC.

In recognition of the UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

A story of dispossession, destruction and continuing displacement - the story behind Israel's "Canada Park".

Four decades ago, the three Palestinian villages, 'Imwas, Yalo and Beit Nouba in the Latroun enclave of the West Bank, were razed to the ground after Israel occupied the territory. Today, the residents of those villages remain displaced and barred from returning, while Israel treats the land as if it were part of Israel and refuses to acknowledge the Palestinian history of the area.

Israeli citizens enjoy barbecues and picnics in the Jewish National Fund's "Canada Park", oblivious to the crimes perpetrated in their names on that very land. We are involved in two separate but parallel journeys. Aisha Um Najeh takes us down the painful road that Palestinians have been forcefully pushed down, separating them in time and place from the land they nurtured; while Israelis walk freely through that land, enjoying its fruits.

The stems of the cactus, however, bring some to discover the reality of the crime committed.

Musleh's documentary traces the buried histories of these Palestinian villages through oral histories, archive film and photography, and expert testimonies.

Produced by al-Haq - Law in the Service of Man

Directed by Hanna Musleh (2008).Trailer:


CJPP will be holding a stall at this event featuring Fair Trade products from Palestine as well as our Bethlehem Greeting Cards and new BDS ecosilk carry bags - forget plastic bags and support the boycotts!

Organised by the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine in support of the work of Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA
