Oppose the Malaysian solution, End mandatory detention

Date and Time: 
Friday, May 13, 2011 -
5:30pm to 7:00pm
Melbourne, GPO steps, Bourke Street Mall (near Elizabeth street) Bourke Street

Gillard's plan to ship asylum seekers to squalid refugee camps in Malaysia is an attack on the right, under international law, to seek asylum regardless of how you arrive in a country. Her attacks on people smugglers is just a cover for her attacks on refugee rights and her desire to avoid any responsibility for looking after the world's most persecuted people seeking protection.

The Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) opposes offshore processing but also calls for an end to mandatory detention on Australian shores as well.

We urge people to come out on Friday night and become a voice for refugee rights amongst a sea of attacks from both the Labor and Liberal parties, the media and the right.
