Occupy Oakland Solidarity March

Date and Time: 
Monday, January 30, 2012 -
12:00pm to 4:30pm
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City Square Melbourne, then onto the American Consulate

On Saturday the 28th January, the Oakland Police Deparment Declared Occupy Oakland's march an 'Illegal assembly', and deployed the use of Tear gas, Smoke bombs and rubber bullets.

In such protests in the past, it has come out later that violence that seemed to be caused... by the protesters has actually insitgated by undercover agents in the protesters midsts.

We will meet and march in support of our Brothers and Sisters in Oakland who have had violence brought upon them for using their own right to voice their dissatisfaction with their own government.

We will meet and march in support of our Brothers and Sisters in every Occupy movement in the US who have had violence brought upon them for using their own right to voice their dissatisfaction with their own government.

If you can not physically attend this march, please ring or email the Consulate with your thoughts and solidarity for the Occupy movement between 1pm and 4pm.

Consulate General of the United States Melbourne
Address U.S. Consulate General
553 St Kilda Road
Melbourne, Victoria 3004
Telephone: (03) 9526-5900
Fax: (03) 9510-4646

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