Occupy Melbourne Reflects

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, June 27, 2012 -
5:30pm to 9:00pm
Gopals Restaurant, 139 Swanston Street Melbourne 3000

Since the fateful eviction day of the 21st of October 2011, the diaspora of those who participated in or bore witness to Occupy Melbourne have continued to engage with the global Occupy movement in a multitude of ways. Many have remained close to those networks that were cemented in the City Square occupation, others have moved on to new activist projects, returned to old projects, or possibly dissociated themselves from the Occupy Melbourne protest altogether.

Eight months on from the original Occupy Melbourne City Square protest, many of us may be of the opinion that the original motivators and push factors for such a significant convergence still exist in global and Australian society and communities. Some of us may be struggling to understand or place the experience of the crushing state reaction to non-violent political dissent and community action. Alternatively, individuals may have theories or understandings that locate Occupy Melbourne within a framework that deviates from main-stream understandings of the protest in the media, Melbourne activist community, or academic literature.

‘Occupy Melbourne Reflects’ is an event planned and facilitated by community organisers, campaigners, researchers and activists who have had some association with the Occupy Melbourne protest, some of whom were there from its inception at the planning stages of the original October 15 protest. The event is designed to stimulate conversation and analysis of the experience of Occupy Melbourne as significant societal event in Australia and one that has shaped the political awakening and opinions of its many participants and witnesses. Attendees are also encouraged to join the planning meetings for a second event aimed towards mapping and networking the Occupy Melbourne diaspora for continued political engagement, community development, and direct action; in other words we pose the question ‘what is possible now’. Details of these planning meetings will be arranged at the ‘Occupy Melbourne Reflects’ event itself.

Occupy Melbourne Reflects (Event Details)


6-9pm, 27th of June 2012 at Gopals restaurant, 139 Swanston St, Melbourne 3000. If you would like to join us for a meal and catch-up before the facilitation of the event begins please arrive at 5.30pm.

Food, drinks and dessert are available to be purchased on the evening at affordable rates (roughly $7-$10 per meal).

Gopals generously donated food to Occupy Melbourne’s community kitchens during the protest, they have kindly provided this space and request only that attendees please respect their no alcohol policy.

How do I prepare? What should I bring?

Just bring yourself, open and ready to engage in conversation with others about Occupy Melbourne. The point of this forum is not to provide a soapbox with people talking at each other – it will be about really listening and engaging with each other. The forum will use the World Cafe group facilitation approach with rotating small group discussion.

Please note the event will be facilitated by an expert facilitator from Melbourne Campaigners Network and we ask kindly that participants who are willing and/or able make a donation for this service.

Do I need to RSPV?

This is not necessary, however there is a Facebook event for the event if you care to join:

