Occupy Melbourne: Public Forum "Everyone's Talking About General Strikes"

Date and Time: 
Friday, November 11, 2011 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
New International Bookshop, Trades Hall cnr Lygon and Victoria Streets Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Why is Occupy Oakland now the hot topic on the lips of everyone in the global Occupy movement? Two words: General Strike! On 2 November 2011, Occupy Oakland made history by bringing this underutilised form of resistance back into the arsonry of the 99%.

The "general strike" is a concept often evoked during times of social and economic upheaval, however their use is relatively rare--this was the first General Strike in the Unite...d States since 1946!

When the repressive forces of the American capitalist state cracked down on Occupy Oakland in a day of shocking violence, the #OO General Assembly's answer was universal social solidarity: General Strike. They harnessed people power, shutting down the banks and one of the major shipping ports in the US. Their answer to state violence was to remind the 1% that it is the 99% of people who hold power through their workplace muscle. Without people, there is no economy.

With the violent evictions of Occupy Melbourne and Occupy Sydney proving that Australia is far from immune to the attacks on freedom of speech and assembly--as well as the growing confidence in people power to change the world arising from the Occupy movement--how long will it be before the General Strike is back on the agenda for the Australian 99%?

The Occupy Melbourne Union and Community Outreach Working Group will hold a public forum to discuss this question and the role of activist unionists in the Occupy movement.

7pm (or after the Towers of Power march finishes)
Friday, 11 November 2011
New International Bookshop in Trades Hall (cnr Lygon and Victoria Streets)

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