Occupy Melbourne Protest: "Tour the Towers of Power of the Corporate 1%"

Date and Time: 
Saturday, November 5, 2011 -
3:00pm to 4:30pm
City Square cnr Swanston and Collins Streets Melbourne, Australia

**Update--this event is finally back on!**

Everyone knows about the Arts Centre spire and Melbourne's laneways, but did you also know Melbourne is home to some of Australia's biggest corporate one per centers?

Join us on a peaceful 'sight-seeing' march through the CBD visiting the worst offenders. Who's your nomination? Is it a company who attacks their workers, or a company that makes billions by trashing our environment? Or ...a CEO who pays themselves millions while outsourcing your jobs?

Should we visit the Commonwealth Bank, where CEO Ralph Norris banked $16.16m of your money last year? Or Leighton Holdings where Wal King walked away with up to $30 million on his way out the door?

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has made a bit of a spectacle of himself. He caused havoc around the world during his campaign to deny Qantas workers a small pay rise and job security—whilst also giving himself a 71% pay rise!

We'll start the tour by waving to the Town Hall windows where Lord Mayor Robert Doyle very recently made himself a Melbourne icon for all the wrong reasons, getting caught smugly watching on as police violently evicted anti-greed protesters from the City Square.

3pm, Saturday 5 November 2011
City Square (cnr Collins & Swanston Streets)

Occupy Melbourne will be holding a General Assembly at 4.30pm (or as soon as the march finishes), at City Square.

* Please note, this action against corporate greed proudly stands alongside the 'Refugees Are Welcome Here' protest commencing at 12pm at the State Library. The corporation SERCO, makes millions of dollars off their government contracts to run the inhumane mandatory detention policy. It is system which disproportionately targets the most desperate of the global 99%, refugees fleeing war, persecution and economic deprivation. https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=197486623656433
