NSW Election Rally: can't eat coal, can't drink gas!

Date and Time: 
Sunday, March 20, 2011 -
12:00pm to 1:30pm
Contact Email: 
Martin Place Macquarie St Sydney, Australia

Coal and coal seam gas mining are expanding at an unprecedented rate, threatening our farmland, our climate, our communities, and our water.

Join environmentalists, farmers and concerned citizens from across NSW to take action to protect our irreplaceable farmland and environment.

This election, demand your politicians put communities ahead of mining profits.

Food before coal. Water before gas. For our land, our water and our future.

Hope to see you there!

John Thomson - Lock the Gate Alliance
Pepe Clarke - Nature Conservation Council of NSW

Email: rally@lockthegate.org.au
Websites: www.lockthegate.org.au and www.nccnsw.org.au

Please help spread the word by inviting your family, friends and networks.
