Camp Eureka weekend 24-26th April

Contact Phone: 
0402 657 392
Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 24, 2010 - 10:00am to Monday, April 26, 2010 - 5:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Renegade Activists
100 Tarrango Rd, Yarra Junction

Camp Eureka weekend, April 24th - 26th.

Below is the schedule.

As we need to get a pretty precise idea of meal numbers, if you are planning to attend this event, please reply to this message so we know to expect you.
It would be great to give us your phone number and let us know how you intend to get there and if you have a car and space in the car for others.
There are trains to Lilydale station and if you intend to get the train, we can arrange to pick you up if we know you are coming.

For more info about this event, see!/event.php?eid=276028227919

or call 0402 657 392

or email

Thanks comrades, see you then or see you around the traps

In solidarity,
R.A.A.F crew.



Sat 24th April

Arrive 10am
11am - Indigenous acknowledgement & local Indigenous struggles in Melb
12:00pm – Ampilatwatja walk off & anti-intervention campaign- Richard Downs
1:00pm - history of indigenous strikes/ walk offs – Joe Lorback
2:00pm – LUNCH
4:00pm – Migrant working class women's struggles in Australia – Georgie Kamaris
6:00pm – dinner
Learning songs of struggle

Sun 25th

Breakfast - 9:00am - 11am
11:00am - Tips for unionising your workplace & organising at work– Diana Beaumont
12:00 – 1pm Workshop: Project X - new initiative for workers solidarity
1pm – Reflections on Union Solidarity and the BLF and tips for organising direct actions & pickets in work disputes - Dave Kerin & Davie Thomason
1:30pm – LUNCH
3:30pm - Tramways dispute - Peter Riley
4:00pm – Mukaty nuclear waste dump, Friends of the Earth ACE Kollective,
Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty, Dimity Hawkins
5:00pm – preparation for actions
6:00pm – dinner

Mon 26th

9:00am - 11am – breakfast
11:00am - 11:30am - history of unemployed workers organising & housing eviction resistances- Iain McIntyre
11:30am – direct action workshop & preparation for actions
2:00pm – LUNCH
3:00 pm - camp maintenance
5:00pm - pack up
