Brazil takes action for the Awá

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Brazil takes action for the Awá

A success: we’ve heard that Brazil’s government is sending a team of specialists to investigate the situation of uncontacted Awá, the Earth’s most threatened tribe. The team will avoid making contact with the isolated people, but will report back on the threats from illegal loggers.

We'll let you know as soon as there is more action you can take.


Support for the Awá around the world

Our Awáicon has spread around the world as supporters stick, stencil and photograph it just about everywhere. Take a look at the gallery on Facebook — and even better, join in!
Get creative to save the Awá →

SUCCESS! Court bans tourists from ‘human safaris’ road

Survival’s campaign to stop ‘human safaris’ in India’s Andaman Islands has gained an important victory, after the Supreme Court banned tourists from traveling along the road which cuts through a tribal reserve. Importantly, the local government appears to be abiding by the ruling.
Full story →

*Survival relies on individual supporters around the world giving whatever they can, when they can. With your help, we can win even more major campaigns this year.
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A Survival researcher travelling with the leader of Colombia’s Arhuaco people escaped injury when their car was hit by a fusillade of 40 bullets. Earlier she had recorded this rare interview with Dilia Torres, widow of a previous Arhuaco leader killed by the army 22 years ago. As usual, the killers remain free.

The endless violence inflicted on the Arhuaco since their absorption by the Colombian state is a powerful answer to the nonsensical claim that states impose peace on tribal peoples, who would otherwise constantly be fighting. The Arhuaco, in fact, have a sophisticated philosophy, with peace and balance at its heart.

Action: write a letter to President Santos of Colombia asking him to have violence against indigenous people investigated, and the perpetrators brought to justice →

 Last chance for two very special events...

Nightrider London

Join us on 8 June for Nightrider London, a unique moonlit cycle event. You'll pass some of the capital’s most iconic landmarks – including St Paul’s Cathedral, Tower Bridge, the London Eye, and the Houses of Parliament, all the while raising money for Survival.
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Climb Ben Nevis

Take on the lofty peaks of Ben Nevis this summer and raise vital funds for Survival. Join fellow supporters on a challenging trek into the heart of the Grampians and enjoy breathtaking views from the 1,344m (4,400ft) summit.
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