Comedy Debate: "The End of the World will be Good for Business"

Contact Phone: 
9662 374
Date and Time: 
Saturday, April 10, 2010 -
7:30pm to 9:30pm
Contact Email: au
Federation of Education Unions Building 120 Clarendon St, Southbank

A New International Bookshop Fundraiser

The Comedy Festival is in full swing and, not to be outdone, the New Internationalist Bookstore gearing up for its own Comedy Debate spectacular.

This year's apocalyptic theme is a perfect fit for our last confirmed debater: former Bookshop co-ordinator, reluctant sex symbol and much-loved Eeyore of the Left Jeff Sparrow joins team captain Louise Connor and the Greens' rising star Adam Bandt on the Affirmative side. They'll be arguing that the end of the world is one big money-spinner - which might seem like a no-brainer, but the opposition are not to be taken lightly...

Leading the Negative side will be the Australian answer to Abbie Hoffmann, Trades Hall gargoyle Jacob Grech, alongside razor-sharp legal eagle Lizzie O'Shea and top socialist wit Chris Breen. Game on!

As well as a great night out, the Comedy Debate is very important for the New Interantionalist Bookstore as a fundraiser - and also as an event which brings together the Left community. We'd love to see you there with your friends and family, sipping a wine or sinking a beer, and maybe laughing inappropriately at a joke no one else in the room seems to get. Give us a call soon, or send through an email to reserve your spot.

In the mean time, Underground Talk goes from strength to strength this week, with Ginny Adams coming in straight off the plane from Palestine to talk about Union Aid Abroad's work in Gaza and Lebanon. Plus there's more new secondhand books than we have room for, so make sure you pop in and pick up a bargain...

Entry: $25/ $15 concession.
Book as a table of eight, a small group, or an individual.

Drinks and nibbles available at reasonable prices on the night.
