Picket Peter Batchelor - Climate jobs Not New Coal!

Date and Time: 
Monday, March 29, 2010 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Peter Batchelor’s Office 1 Spring St, CBD Lots of speakers!

Peter Batchelor, Minister for Energy and Resources Victoria, is attending the Victorian Coal and Energy Conference on the 30th of March. He'll be there to discuss the business-as-usual approach to climate change—Rudd's CPRS and the construction of a new coal-fired power station in the La Trobe Valley. This is just one of 12 new coal-fired powers stations proposed across Australia.

The latest version of the CPRS was negotiated with Malcolm Turnbull. It includes massive compensation for polluting industry—up to $24 billion will be given to polluters over 10 years, including $7 billion directly to coal-fired power stations. “Emissions intensive trade exposed” industries have been given free permits. The CPRS allows for more compensation the more a company grows—allowing for expansion of polluting industry. Modeling by the government’s own Treasury Department confirms that the CPRS will not force a single coal-fired power station to close, or reduce emissions until 2035—not even close to the paltry 5% emissions reduction target set by the government. Emissions trading schemes overseas have seen companies pass on costs to consumers and pocket the compensation, meaning windfall profits.

The Victoria government and HRL are marketing the proposed new coal-fired power station as a 'clean coal' project. But 'clean coal' technology doesn't exist. The plant will cost $750 million, including $150 million from taxpayers. It will increase Victoria's emissions by 2.4-2.7 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually.

Batchelor and the Victorian government could be spending that $150 million to create renewable infrastructure and green jobs. Instead they are locking Victoria into a carbon-intensive future. Rudd's CPRS has given the signal to polluters that they can go on polluting. Solar thermal technology and wind power could provide 100% of Australia’s electricity by 2020, according to a report by Beyond Zero Emissions. But instead of acting, state and federal governments are concerned to appease the polluters. Join us to tell Peter Batchelor that we want real solutions to climate change:

- Stop the CPRS
- Stop new coal fired power stations
- 100% Direct Invesment in Renewables
- Green jobs now
- Clean Coal and Nuclear - no solution to climate change

Speakers include:
Brian Walters, The Greens
Peter Marshal, United Firefighters Union
Dr. Jim Green and Madeline Hudson, Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy Campaign, Friends Of the Earth
Mark Ogge, Beyond Zero Emissions
Chris Breen, Solar Systems Campaign
Damien Lawson, Victorian Climate Action Centre

Action called by Melb Uni Climate Action Working Group (CAWG)

Melb Uni CAWG meets every Monday 1pm at Graham Cornish Room A

All Welcome, Get involved in the Campaign!
