Vincent Emanuele, a US veteran of the Iraq war, will speak in Sydney on Tues Feb 26

Vincent Emanuele, a US veteran of the Iraq war, will speak in Sydney on Tues Feb 26.  

He will be in Sydney for a short time to promote a film 'On the Bridge', which is to be screened at the 'Big Picture Film Festival' later next week.

Since returning to the US from Iraq, Vince has been involved in political activism, working with Iraq Veterans Against the War ( He is on the Board of Directors of IVAW and hosts a community radio program in Michigan City, Indiana, called 'Veterans Unplugged Radio'.
Though it is at short notice, we are lucky enough to have an opportunity to meet with Vincent, hear what he has to say and talk with him about anti-war activism.
Tues Feb 26, 6pm, Room 318 
University of Technology (downstairs near the Students Association)
Tower Building (on Broadway)
Please try to make it: this is a unique opportunity to meet someone with first-hand experience of involvement in the Iraq war as a US soldier. 
Please distribute this message as widely as you can, so as to maximise the number of people able to participate.
Supported by Marrickville Peace Group, Stop the War Coalition and Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (NSW)
Information: Pip 0412 139 968