CISPA is back, and 13 other stories...

 LogoAccess Express | 02/21/13

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Cybersecurity bill CISPA is back: same privacy concerns, more political support?

CISPA, the ill-conceived piece of US legislation on information sharing and cybersecurity, is back. The Intelligence Committee of the US House of Representatives recently held a hearing on cybersecurity...

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Chinese army unit is seen as tied to hacking against U.S.

On the outskirts of Shanghai, in a run-down neighborhood dominated by a 12-story white office tower, sits a People’s Liberation Army base for China’s growing corps of cyberwarriors...

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After the Green Movement: Internet controls in Iran

This report, titled "After the Green Movement: Internet Controls in Iran, 2009-2012", details Iran’s increasing Internet controls since 2009, when protests against the victory of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad rocked the country...

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The Open Data Census – Tracking the state of open data around the world

Recent years have seen a huge expansion in open data activity around the world, but at the same time it is now increasingly difficult to assess if, and where, progress is being made...

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The future of Russia's i-curtain

Hot on the heels of a new law establishing a register of forbidden sites, Russian authorities are now promoting a system of 'virtual' borders and international supervision. Their proposal has so far failed to find significant support, but Russia...

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Obama cybersecurity executive order good in short term, but sets worrying precedent

The order sets out provisions for sharing critical threat information from government to the private sector, but potentially establishes a foundation for later bidirectional sharing of sensitive information...

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Asian political activists whacked in Mac backdoor hack attack

A security hole in Microsoft Office for Mac OS X is being exploited to hack and spy on Asian activists at odds with the Chinese government...

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The internet and corruption

GISWatch 2012 explores how the internet is being used to ensure transparency and accountability, the challenges that civil society activists face in fighting corruption, and when the internet fails as an enabler of a transparent and fair society...

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Aaron Swartz files reveal how FBI tracked internet activist

Once-classified FBI documents that show extent of agency's investigation into Swartz. A blogger has published once-classified FBI files that show how the agency tracked and collected information on internet...

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Well-known Bangladeshi blogger murdered on streets of Dhaka

Reporters Without Borders strongly condemns the murder of an outspoken anti-Islamist blogger, Ahmed Rajib Haider, who was hacked to death in the capital, Dhaka, on 15 February 2013. Police found Haider's body near his home...

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Crowdsourcing censorship in Egypt

In the aftermath of the Innocence of Muslims debacle, the National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA) was on the case. Because a ban would be expensive and impractical, the NTRA decided to crowdsource censorship...

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It’s a small internet after all: The whole web is connected in 19 clicks or fewer

Despite there being something like 1 trillion pieces of Web out there, you can navigate from any one of them to another in 19 clicks or fewer, according to a Hungarian physicist...

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Truthloader: new YouTube show on citizen journalism

Truthloader is a new daily YouTube show, produced by UK-based ITN in partnership with YouTube, that brings investigative and citizen journalism together, focusing mostly on under-reported news stories from around the globe...

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Apple reportedly hit by hackers who targeted Facebook, says no evidence of data theft

One of the tech world's most tight-lipped companies has joined the list of firms speaking out about the growing wave of hacker attacks. On Tuesday Apple admitted...

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