Just passed! My Bill to tackle petrol sniffing

Share the great news! Our Bill to reduce petrol sniffing just passed into law. 

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Just passed! My Bill to tackle petrol sniffing

Hi – I know I just emailed you two days ago, but I had to write again to share this amazing moment.

My Bill to tackle the scourge of petrol sniffing by rolling out non-sniffable fuel just passed the House of Representatives. This is the third federal piece of Greens legislation to pass into law – ever! 

I've been pursuing this issue since I first began work in the Senate in 2005. It's fantastic to see hard work from community members and campaigners like the Central Australian Youth Linkup Service come to fruition.

It's only because we Greens have been in the balance of power – in the Senate, and with my colleague Adam Bandt in the House of Representatives – that we've been able to achieve this. Thank you for your support that made this possible. 

The mainstream media won't cover this widely – so we need to spread the word.

Please share this post on Facebook with your friends.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Siewert

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Authorised by Christine Cunningham & Ben Spies-Butcher, Australian Greens, 8-10 Hobart Pl, Canberra 2600.
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