Conservative Canadian government has killed online spying legislation


We did it. The Conservative Canadian government has killed online spying legislation Bill C-30! Join us in celebrating and pushing for a positive vision

We did it! The Conservative government has killed online spying legislation Bill C-30! If passed, the bill would have provided access to your private online information without a warrant, and you would have had to pay for it.

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson announced on Monday, "We will not be proceeding with Bill C-30 ... We've listened to the concerns of Canadians who have been very clear on this."1

It doesn't get clearer than that. We’ve won, and it was you and nearly 150,000 other Canadians who made it happen with your signatures, comments, creativity, and your donations. Your team at will remain vigilant.

You know we’re effective when we work together, but the truth is, if is to continue amplifying your voice and standing up for your rights, we need support from people like you to keep us going. Please chip in with $5, $10, $20, or whatever you can afford right now.

Way back in June 2011, we worked with Canadians from across the country to launch the campaign. All the pundits and "experts" said we couldn't win. Well Canada, you just proved them all wrong.

With this win, we’re part of a growing global Internet freedom movement. Anti-privacy, anti-Internet legislation has now been stopped in several countries worldwide.2 While threats to the open Internet continue to mount, the global Internet freedom movement is getting stronger everyday and you’re an integral part of it.

Our small team will continue to work hard to keep you connected. In turn, please consider contributing to our work now so that we can continue to have a huge impact together.

Thank you for all that you do,

Steve, on behalf of the OpenMedia team

P.S. Saturday, February 16th, is the anniversary of the successful #TellVicEverything social media uprising. We’re taking this opportunity to celebrate and push for a privacy commitment from the government. Join in here.



[1] CBC News: Government killing online surveillance bill

[2] EFF: International Privacy Day: Anti-Surveillance Success Stories

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