Rosa Luxemburg: her life and ideas

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 -
7:00pm to 8:45pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Alison Thorne
Solidarity Salon 580 Sydney Road Brunswick

Freedom Socialist Party meeting
Tuesday 30 March, 7:00 pm

Rosa Luxemburg remains an inspirational role model today. Considered a youngster when she made some of her most important political contributions, she overcame the prejudice she faced as a woman, a Jew and a foreigner living in Germany to win the respect of her socialist contemporaries as a leader. She was a determined opponent of World War One and a fierce advocate for women’s rights. She developed a profound critique of the trade union bureaucracy and had a refreshing confidence in workers to lead their own grassroots struggles. She made many theoretical contributions but is best remembered for her polemic, Reform or Revolution, in which she demolished the ideas of the “revisionist” Eduard Bernstein who believed that socialism could be achieved by gradual reform. Hear about Rosa’s revolutionary life and discuss the relevance of her powerful ideas today. The meeting will also feature short reports on the FSP’s current branch activity.

Solidarity Salon:
580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Take the Upfield train to Anstey Station or Tram 19 and get off at Stewart Street. There’s also plenty of free parking at the rear.

Dinner served at 6:30 pm for an $8 donation. The meeting is free.

For more information call 9388-0062 or e-mail
