50 Shades of Black with Karla Hart & Della Rae Morrison

The Blue Room Theatre Summernights & Yorga Waabiny Productions in association with Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company and PICA are bringing on:

Fifty Shades of Black
By Karla Hart
Co-created with Della Rae Morrison & Monica Main

PICA Performance Space
Mon 11 Feb – Thurs 14 Feb & Sat 16 Feb @ 6.30

Media Contact:
Charley Caruso: 0427 477 370

Two of Western Australia’s finest and funniest female Noongar performers, bringing the laughs upfront, honest and straight from the heart.

Fifty Shades of Black is the illegitimate love child of Black as Michael Jackson … and other identity monologues, the kick-arse 2012 Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company sellout show at The Blue Room Theatre.

Deadly Award-winner Karla Hart, Noongar performer extraordinaire Della Rae Morrison and award-winning director Monica Main are back with 60 minutes of irreverent character driven inya face theatre. They have kept the best and created more skits and multimedia dealing with identity, family, memory, Noongar culture and the Stolen Generation, turning the spotlight on contemporary race issues with hilarious results.

Karla Hart, manager and performer with women’s Noongar dance group Kwarbah Djookian, has recently returned from Alabama where she represented Aboriginal Australian Culture at The Mobile International Festival and as Coordinator of the 2012 Waadarnji Festival, Karla wrote, voiced and co-produced with The City of

Fremantle, “Learn to speak Noongar”, available free on itunes.
Della Rae Morrison’s theatre career had an auspicious start performing in Jimmy Chi’s musical ‘Bran Nue Dae’ with Black Swan Theatre Co. Since then she has performed with Yirra Yaakin, Deckchair, Barking Gecko and Perth Theatre Co. She has released two albums with her band Djiva and has been a pivotal member of aboriginal languages choir Madjitil Moorna for 7 years.

Get off your kwan and don’t miss this show!

All tickets through www.fringeworld.com.au.

All media enquiries through Charley Caruso: 0427 477 370, charleycaruso@hotmail.com.au

Critical acclaim for Blue Room Season of BAMJ:

“Both Hart and Morrison demonstrated impressive versatility…BAMJ functions as a looking glass for all Australians, a reflection on the way things are on both sides of the settler/Indigenous cultural divide.” 4.5 out of 5 stars Artshub:

Nerida Dickinson

“This show is 75-minutes of raw and poignant moments, blended with an insight to lifestyle, and infused with extremely funny humour…This fast moving night of mirth, was wonderfully directed and dramaturged by Monica Main. This was fresh and delightful material, brilliantly delivered by two talented actors.” Theatre Australia: Gordon the Optom

“Main’s deft direction allows the performers to slip nimbly between scenes and characters…it’s funny confronting and revealing.”

The West Australian: David Zampatti