Shell and Goldman Sachs win the Public Eye Awards 2013

Dear Friends of the Public Eye

The die is cast, the expert jury and the public have chosen: Goldman Sachs and Shell receive the Public Eye naming and shaming awards. Both corporations are prime examples of companies with a greed for profit, leading to social and ecological misdeeds. By presenting the Public Eye Awards today in Davos, we have set a counterpoint to the elitist rendezvous between politics and business at the WEF.

Goldman Sachs receives the jury award and also has a large share of the public vote. This US banking firm is a key player in financially driven globalisation. It profits from exploding inequality and the impoverishment of broad social strata. Be it mortgage crash, banking crash or euro crash, Goldman Sachs rakes in significant earnings in almost every larger crisis. The managers of Goldman Sachs are masters of the revolving door: they secure future business for the bank via changes in political and public offices. This bank is one of the main financial players responsible for the crisis involving Greece and the euro.

The online voters have given Shell something to think about by handing this Dutch-British corporation the public's naming and shaming award. Shell is always involved in particularly controversial, risky and dirty oil production projects. Thus, under the leadership of Switzerland's Peter Voser, this corporation is also taking a particularly aggressive approach to the highly risky search for fossil fuels in the fragile Arctic.

All the speeches from our press conference in Davos can be found online on our website here. If you want to read our liveticker from the press conference, please have a look at this site.

The Public Eye Awards are only possible thanks to the nominating organisations and people like you, who participate in the voting. We thank everyone who took part in choosing the most objectionable company of the year, everyone who shared our Facebookposts, retweeted our messages on Twitter or simply asked his friends to vote as well!

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Thanks again for your support!

The Public Eye



Photo: (c) by the Public Eye Awards/Flurin Bertschinger Ex-Press