Colombian indigenes and whales in mortal danger - please help protest with your signature

By Klaus Schenck

Dear friends of the rain forest,

We request your help with two protest actions:

In Colombia the military are bombing the Embera indigenes in the rain forest so that foreign companies can mine minerals on Indian land undisturbed. You can protest at, Kolumbien: Hubschrauberattacke auf Embera-Indianer

We’re also worried about the ocean, hence this urgent action. The German government supports the absurd suggestion to rescind the 25-year-old ban on commercial whaling. Because in Iceland, Norway and Japan a few incorrigible people want to keep eating whale meat, the threatened ocean mammals are to be indiscriminately slaughtered and the Antarctic sanctuary is to be cancelled.

Please help us to prevent that at, Fatale Zusagen an Walfänger geplant

In both stories click Protestaktion, scroll down to the white window, then

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Sincere thanks and best regards,

Klaus Schenck

Rettet den Regenwald e. V.
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg

#49 40 4103804
