Yahoo! Mail = Not secure

Yahoo! Mail is leaving hundreds of millions of users unprotected from hackers and snooping governments. Tell the new CEO and board to respect their users and adopt HTTPS now!

Every email sent from a Yahoo! address in a web browser is out in the open and unprotected, threatening your privacy and security online.

That's because Yahoo doesn’t use HTTPS encryption technology to protect the privacy of it's users. Meaning, emails are unprotected from hackers, governments, or anyone who uses widely available tools to break into these vulnerable accounts. Even if you don’t use Yahoo! Mail - the privacy of your emails to Yahoo! addresses are at high-risk of being exposed.

Click the link below and demand that Yahoo! takes the security of their hundreds of millions of users seriously, and switch to HTTPS.

“It’s coming." That’s what Yahoo! said to us 3 years ago when we first told them to adopt HTTPS. After repeatedly speaking with them, it still isn't here. That's why Access and 30 civil society groups from around the world recently wrote a letter to Yahoo!'s new CEO Marissa Mayer, asking her to implement HTTPS¹. But still no change.

Yahoo! remains one of the last major email services that doesn't use HTTPS. CEO after CEO has kicked this can down the road, and their inaction has significant security implications for anyone coming into contact with a Yahoo! account. This includes the emails of many at-risk activists around the world, whose email accounts are under assault on a daily basis from repressive regimes.

We all deserve privacy, but Yahoo! isn't giving it to us. Click the link below to tell Yahoo!'s new CEO and their board to respect their users and implement HTTPS. Act now, and we'll deliver your signature to their board before their next meeting.

For an open internet,
The Access Team

1 Access, Civil Society sign open letter to Yahoo! CEO urging implementation of HTTPS