Big news: Anti-petrol sniffing bill passes Senate!

Parliament is sitting late but we are thrilled to be here, because the Senate has just passed legislation that will make a really big difference to people’s lives.

Moments ago, the Senate voted to pass my Low Aromatic Fuel Bill that will help to reduce the awful scourge of petrol sniffing after it passes through the House of Representatives next year.

Petrol sniffing causes heartbreaking damage to people and communities, but if it hadn’t been for the Greens putting this issue on the political agenda the Senate would not have considered it.

I have vigorously pursued this issue, from my inaugural speech in 2005, through three Senate Inquiries and constant close work with communities and health and support services.

It’s become obvious that the big hole in the voluntary strategies to protect communities from petrol sniffing is that some retailers have refused to stock un-sniffable, low aromatic ‘Opal’ fuel. Where that has been the case, the problem of petrol sniffing and all its associated horrors has remained.

But tonight we’ve plugged this hole.

Through our work in Parliament we’ve finally been able to give the Government the power to regulate the supply of fuel in certain affected areas.

This legislation has the strong support of communities, health experts and community organisations and it will be a big help in combating the scourge of petrol sniffing.

Our job now is to continue working with the communities to help them with all the strategies to fight petrol sniffing, and to keep the pressure up to get the Bill through the House of Representatives next year. And we need your continued support to do that.

Without you caring for people and supporting our work, this wouldn’t have happened.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Siewert
Greens Senator for Western Australia

P.S. Please help us celebrate this achievement by sharing this image and affirming your commitment to healthy communities on Facebook and Twitter.

P.P.S. To find out more information about the Bill, you can read about it and watch my second reading speech to the Senate here.







Where was Labor on this one, Noel?
The Labor who have done so much for Australia since ousting Howard....