We've seen enough - stop live animal exports

We've seen enough. That's the theme of our powerful new live exports ad which, with your help, will begin airing on primetime TV by the end of this week. Increasing public awareness will build pressure on decision makers to ensure the brutal abuse and slaughter of Australian livestock never, ever happens again.

Live Exports Reactions Ad Hero

Already, over a thousand GetUp members have chipped in to fund the gripping first ad, which began airing last week on Sky News. The ad portrayed the harsh reality; graphic footage depicting brutality towards Australian animals. The footage of this tragic event is so disturbing that none of it was approved to air during primetime free to air due to its adult rating. We've found a way to reach as many people as possible in order to dial up the pressure on our politicians to do the right thing. Below is the new ad we've created, appropriate for general viewing but still powerful and emotive, showing the visceral reactions of every day Australians as they watch images of this tragic event for the first time. Will you help get this ad on the air during primetime TV?


It's not every day you hear Australians asking to follow New Zealand, but it truly is time for our government to follow their lead and responsibly phase out live exports in favour of processing our livestock here at home, where we can ensure proper adherence to strict animal welfare standards while creating jobs.

Our best opportunity to make this happen is now -- on the back of recent media coverage, while both houses of Parliament are still sitting, people are protesting and MPs are feeling the heat. Last year when ABC's Four Corners program showed graphic footage provided by Animals Australia and RSPCA of Australian cattle being mistreated in Indonesian slaughterhouses, GetUp members sprung to action. Within weeks a temporary ban on exports to Indonesia was put in place and new measures that are supposed to protect animal welfare were put in place. That shows how powerful GetUp members are when we work together.

We can make this happen. Let's stop the suffering. Let's end live exports: http://www.getup.org.au/ethicalexports

Thanks for all that you do,
Erin, for the GetUp team.

PS: Ending live exports will create jobs and still take care of our farmers. Read the original email below for more information.
Finally, our politicians are taking notice.

Media is now reporting 'growing unrest' amongst the Federal Labor caucus following revelations of a cruel mass slaughter of 20,000 Australian sheep in Pakistan. In less than 20 days, Federal caucus meets for the last time this year, leaving us with a short window of opportunity to win support for phasing out live exports.

None of us want to watch animals suffering unnecessarily. It isn't pleasant to see our sheep beaten and hacked at with blunt knives and left to die a slow, violent death in a ditch - but it is that exact footage that will build enough community outrage to pressure MPs to support an end to live exports.

We've produced an ad that is difficult to ignore, highlighting the need for urgent reform of our live export trade. Please donate now to get this powerful ad on TV screens across the nation while our politicians are deciding whether they act to protect our livestock and create local jobs:


There are many good reasons to phase out live animal exports, including:

1. To ensure animals are not subject to abject cruelty. The only way we can be sure animals are treated ethically is by processing them here in Australia.

2. It is better for our economy and will create local jobs. Processing our livestock here in Australia will mean more jobs and is supported by the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union.1

All this can be done while still looking after our farmers. New Zealand has started phasing out live exports, and it's something that their farmers are proud of. Australia could do the while benefiting the industry - three independent studies have shown that domestic processing of Australian meat is a much more profitable industry than live exports.2

If we work together again we can build support from Labor MPs across Australia to end cruelty to Australian livestock once and for all.

For every person who donates $44, over a thousand Australians will see this ad. If you can dig a little deeper and put $250 towards this ad, we could buy a primetime spot which will be seen by over 6,000 people. Every contribution made will go towards getting this ad on air, please chip in now:


Mahatma Gandhi one said that “the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Please join this campaign so we can make progress together.

Thanks for all that you do,
The GetUp Team.

[1] The Australian, Greens back union plan to ban live exports, 6 November 2012.
[2] Animals Australia, Live export campaign FAQs, accessed 8 November 2012.