Uncontacted Ayoreo Indians threatened as Paraguayan forest bulldozed

We help tribal peoples defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.


Uncontacted Ayoreo Indians threatened as forest bulldozed
Earlier this year we revealed that Paraguayan authorities had mounted a raid on the estate of ranching company Carlos Casado SA, discovering a huge amount of unauthorised forest clearance - forest which is the last refuge of uncontacted Ayoreo Indians, who are known to be hiding there.
Carlos Casado is owned by Spanish construction and property giant Grupo SanJosé.
While Grupo SanJosé has denied all knowledge of Casado’s activities, a letter from Paraguay’s Environment Ministry confirms both that works such as reservoir construction and road-building have been carried out by the firm, and also that they do not have the required permission.

Please send an email

to Grupo SanJosé.


If you'd like to send an email but don't have much time, click here to send a pre-written message.

(There's space for you to sign it!)

If you have five minutes, please write your own message. This is much more powerful.

Here are some things you can mention:

  • Grupo SanJosé's subsidiary Carlos Casado has been clearing forest in Paraguay without a permit.
  • The company denies this, but has failed to produce evidence that they have the permits required.
  • The land is the ancestral territory of the Ayoreo, and has been formally claimed by them since 1993.
  • Uncontacted groups of Ayoreo are known to live in the area. This illegal clearance is hugely disruptive to their lives.
  • The land should be returned to its rightful owners, the Ayoreo.

You can address your email to:
Sra Estela Amador 
(Director of PR for Grupo SanJosé)

Also, if you could please CC:
Don Roberto Álvarez
(Secretary to the board of Carlos Casado)

Doña Angélica León
(Director of public affairs at Carlos Casado)




this has been sent to webform of grupo sanjose
Dear staff,
Sorry to have to use English.
I hope you will understand that many people are extremely concerned as to the survival of the Ayoreo Indians and their forest, and our concern is not alleviated by your company's statements. The Government of Paraguay has confirmed unauthorised forest clearance. Please stop these activities and gove back the Ayoreo their land to live on. I advocate the same rights for other Indigenous peoples in the place where I live. Indigenous peoples have a right to survive. We all have a duty to enable their survival. Live simply, live honestly, live with care for our Earth. Please hear my plea with open heart.