Last minute call to stop the chainsaws in Colombia

Rettet den Regenwald e.V.
So far 4,000 giant rainforest trees have been marked for chainsaws.
Dear friends of the rainforests,

„Please help us to stop the loggers in the rainforest!“ With this call, villagers from Santa Rosa del Limón in Colombia urge us to help them in their quest to save their rainforest, land rights and livelihoods. So far, the rainforest in their region has been spared by logging companies. Now, however, a large timber company has started marking trees and dredging rivers to transport logs.

The communities living along the River Atrato want to stop the chainsaws and heavy machinery and are calling for international solidarity. Plese sign their petition and call on the Colombian government to protect the biodiverse rainforests of Colombia’s Chocó region. Many thanks.


Thanks for being involved,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)

Rainforest Rescue

Jupiterweg 15, 22391 Hamburg, Germany  •

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