Join the Duck Rescue Team

Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 20, 2010 -
6:00am to 4:00pm
Wetlands across Victoria

Help protect Native Waterbirds
Join the Duck Rescue Team

The Coalition Against Duck Shooting will again take an army of rescuers and a mobile veterinary clinic with wildlife carers out to the wetlands on the opening morning of the Victorian duck shooting season. The team will work to prevent birds being shot, rescue wounded birds and collect illegally shot, protected and threatened species.

Join the rescue team (with volunteers from all over Australia) at contact us or phone Lynn on 0414 816 509. Information meetings for new rescuers will be held in Melbourne and Castlemaine in early March.

Despite seriously low waterbird numbers across Victoria, the Brumby Labor government is again allowing duck hunters to shoot native birds purely for recreational purposes.

In the government’s attempt to placate shooters for political reasons, it is ignoring the 87% of Victorians who want duck shooting banned (Morgan poll Oct. 07). The government is also blatantly ignoring the cruelty (25% wounding rate (DSE)), the unsustainability (waterbird numbers across eastern Australia down 82% since 1983) and that three Labor states (WA, NSW and Q’ld) have banned the activity.
