Warning: You're not going to like what you see

Warning: This e-mail contains images of animal cruelty that may distress you. If you'd prefer, click here to read more and sign our urgent petition without viewing images.It never should have happened. Once again, ABC TV's Four Corners has revealed new shocking mistreatment of Australian animals involved in the live export trade. Last night's program exposed imagery of terrified Australian sheep being treated in revolting ways.

The ill-fated sheep were stranded at sea for weeks in extreme heat and cramped conditions only to be unloaded in Pakistan where they were chased down and butchered with blunt knives and bulldozed into writhing piles. They were then dragged, beaten and tossed alive into mass graves.

This happened even after "tough new regulations" were introduced, supposedly to make the live export industry more humane. It's sickening that we need to write another email like this so soon after last year's cattle trade atrocities, but the images that aired last night cannot be ignored. They clearly demonstrate the need to end live exports and support its replacement with a more accountable processing industry, here in Australia.

Enough is enough. Tell the Minister for Agriculture, Joe Ludwig, that a piecemeal ban isn't enough this time. He must prevent this from ever happening again: www.getup.org.au/campaigns/animals/end-live-exports

If you missed the program, here's what happened:

Three months ago, 75,000 sheep were loaded onto the "Ocean Drover", a Wellard owned ship from Fremantle, bound for slaughter in the Middle East. Once in Bahrain, more than 20,000 of the flock were rejected on claims they carried disease -- claims that independent testing later proved to be false.

All of these sheep ended up being slaughtered in the most horrible way.Turn on images to viewSheep are dragged away kicking after having their throats slit with blunt knivesThe company in charge, Wellard, did not disclose anything about the sheep having been previously rejected, because they were too keen to make a profit. They tried instead to unload them into the market unnoticed.

When the Pakistani authorities found out, they felt duped and reacted with outrage by ordering all of the sheep to be culled. Despite independent tests confirming the sheep were disease-free, all of these animals were gruesomely slaughtered.Turn on images to viewSheep slowly bleed out after having their throats slitThere's lots of blame to go around but it's clear that Wellard has breached their export licence conditions and duty of care, and we’re calling for the licence to be immediately suspended pending further investigations. But Australia could guarantee that something like this never, ever, happens again – by simply requiring animals to be killed humanely, under Australia’s strict oversights, before that meat is sent overseas. Let’s turn this tragedy into a force for positive change, and demand a responsible end to live exports now: http://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/animals/end-live-exports

New Zealand has already taken the lead and has phased out live exports, we should follow. Processing meat in Australia will create jobs and ensure that Australian standards apply to the treatment of animals.

There are 32 million sheep sold in Australia each year for domestic consumption and meat export, and less than 3 million sheep exported live. Meanwhile, the Middle East market for sheep meat - our biggest market and growing rapidly - is worth $72 million more than live export.

Let's tell Minister Ludwig and his Government: we've seen enough. It is time to end this suffering: http://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/animals/end-live-exports

Yours in hope,
the GetUp team

PS - No one wants to hurt farmers, but it would actually keep more jobs in Australia if we processed meat at home, rather than shipping animals off to be butchered overseas -- where experience shows us even recently improved regulations can too easily be breached. Help end this senseless cruelty today: http://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/animals/end-live-exports



Pledge your support to end live animal exports

Dear friend,

Did you see last night's Four Corners, with the most shocking footage ever uncovered of Australian animals being buried alive as a result of the live export trade? If it didn't convince Australia that the time has come to end live animal exports, nothing will.

Despite hundreds of thousands signing petitions and tens of thousands hitting the streets, the old parties still haven't pledged to end live animal exports. So let's talk to them in the only language they understand: votes.

Pledge your support to end live animal exports.

'Another Bloody Business', 4 Corners, ABC 5 November 2012

The Greens have a bill in both houses of Parliament, and an open invitation to Labor and the Coalition to get it passed. Greens Senator and animal welfare spokesperson Lee Rhiannon has been working hard to build support and keep the pressure up. Can you help by taking the animal exports pledge?

By mid-morning, millions of Australians will have seen what many of us saw on the TV tonight: Australian sheep being bulldozed by the dozen; their throats slit in a fashion most of us can hardly bear to watch, some still breathing. We can't turn back the clock to save the Australian animals that have already been tortured. But we can make sure it never happens again.

At the end of last night's 4 Corners episode, Labor Minister Joe Ludwig failed to guarantee that the shocking treatment of our animals in Pakistan would never happen again. Let's change his mind: can you pledge to support the Greens' bill to ban live animal exports and then ask your friends to join you?

Every year, millions of animals are shipped from Australian shores to places beyond the reach of our law and animal welfare standards. Many animals don't survive the journey - and those who disembark alive are at risk of appalling treatment and painful, prolonged deaths.

Incredibly, 4 Corners revealed that Australian animal exporters are seeking to expand this dangerous trade. But today we have a chance to help end it forever. The Greens in Parliament have pursued responsible action to end the live export trade. We can have a win-win here: we can reduce animal suffering and create thousands of jobs across regional Australia.

Let's leave the old parties with no uncertainty by building a movement of tens of thousands of Australians pledging support to end the live animal export trade.

I'll keep you updated with the progress of our bill as this issue unfolds over the course of this month. In the meantime, please share the pledge with your friends and family. It could give us the momentum we need to pass crucial legislation to finally end this trade.

Yours sincerely,


P.S. The next few days provide a crucial window of opportunity to finally end live animal exports, but we can't get our legislation passed without a major shift in the attitude of the two old parties. There's only one thing they're more scared of than a 4 Corners expose - and that's the possibility that people will switch their vote based on their compassion for the animals we are responsible for. Take the animal exports pledge here.



