Chronicle of Events - Prelude to "A Saturday Nite"

Chronicle of Events (2011 2012)

“A Saturday Nite”..........

Azuka Okeke - Deceased 12/12/04

Joseph C. Okeke - Deceased 06/15/06

Hazel McMiller - Terminal Illness (sickle cell anemia)

Azuka Okeke

1) Phone call from J.O.S Okeke to Azuka in New York, NY
where she was living and working. Uchenna Okeke overheard
the conversation and became suspicious. Afterwards, Azuka
sounded disorientated and became despondent. Several
conversations pursued from then on, unsure of exact context.
Approximate time and date - 2000 or 2001, evening or sometime
after eight o’clock.

2) 2003 Azuka was hired in Pennslyvania, as a professor for the
University, before she began receiving phone calls again from J.O.S Okeke. She did have a few communication problems
with staff at a new job, but she checked herself into the local mental
hospital upon His insistence, for a short time, before being discharged.

3) Azuka was 30 or 31 when she packed her bags and drove back to
Houston, Texas with J.O.S Okeke who went there to get her. It’s
believed that her car, townhome and all the furniture are being stored by
Joseph and Christine Okeke, who later plan to sell everything. She had
been living in the Northeastern part of the United States ,
Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania) for 13 years before her
death in 2004. Unknown at that time why she quit her job and never
spoke to her colleagues again. She became disorientated and more
and more despondent.

4) Azuka stayed at home in Spring,Texas from 2003-2004, until her death
that morning. She was not working.She suffered a Pulmonary Embolism
from a mixture of both birth control pills and a cigarette, which she
smoked the night before.

5) Uchenna’s daughter Hazel McMiller and her were both on Azuka’s insurance policy (Teacher retirement plan). The nite before Uchenna asked her not to write her name down on the policy for She did not want the money. Azuka did, and after she died Uchenna and Hazel were given a check, which she used to pay some bills. Uchenna was homeless at the time.

6) She died suddenly that morning. Uchenna kicked in her door
when she heard that Azuka was not breathing and couldn’t reach the
door. J.O.S Okeke was away at the time. The paramedics rushed her
to Tomball Hospital on 605 Holderrieth Road. She was 33 years old.

Joey Okeke

1) 1998 - Joey and Angela were married at the Justice of the Peace.
No family members were present that day. They lived in Dallas, Texas
for 6 years, where they worked and attended school. Joey had been in
some trouble with the law and was detained by INS for a few months.
He had done odd jobs (carpentry, plumbing, maintenance work) before
moving back to Houston with his wife.

2) 2004 - They lived in His childhood bedroom for two years while they
searched for work and a place to live. J.O.S. and Christine often ate
dinner with them and Angela usually took care of the chores, doing the
dishes after meals. They lived at home for two years before his death
in 2006.

3) Joseph C. Okeke was crushed by equip on a construction site in The
Port of Houston, later that evening, where he was employed.
Prior to leaving earlier that day, Joey and Angela had argued with Joe
and Christine Okeke about him still being unemployed. He was hurt and frustrated, as they had nowhere to go. That night, Uchenna
checked in on him and Angela, as to where they would go and what
they were going to do. She said she left some pamphlets about the
local shelters for them to read.

4) Joey had become completely disorientated the night before the
accident and was not aware of his surroundings. Although they rented
another apartment, they left without food or money. His state of mind
at that time is still unknown. His death was in the newspaper that night,
but details of his name, age, school attended and other information
was not reported. His insurance settlement went directly to his wife, which she used to relocate to another area after his death.

5) Joseph and Christine Okeke were notified of their son’s death and
went there to view the body. EMS was there as His body was
taken to the hospital for autopsy. Joey was 29 years old.

6) Foul play was then suspected as the funeral proceeded the day after.
Comments were made by other family members surrounding the
events of this death. Neither case was reported on television (radio)
or in any large circulating newspaper. Two short articles have been
found in local, neighborhood newspapers.

Hazel McMiller (disability,death)

1) Hazel was placed into “Foster Care” in 2003, after her mother was
arrested on a petty shoplifting charge. Both mother and child were staying in a nearby shelter before CPS (child protective services) stepped
in. She was subsequently adopted by her grandparents who now have
custody. At 2 years of age she was diagnosed with Sickle Cell

2) Her mother attempted numerous visits with the baby and was often
allowed to spend weekends and nights at the house. Not until after
the death of Azuka and Joey, did she insist on “formal visitation rights”
before returning.

3) Hazel was often symptomatic. Becoming severely ill after large family
gatherings, usually requiring immediate hospitalization. Several bouts
with pneumonia, followed by, 3 or 4 blood transfusions, oxygen
maintenance, spleen removal etc.

4) Uchenna, the mother, complained several times about her treatment as
a visitor, not being allowed to live in the house. Violent arguments
ensued several reports were made to the police to begin investigating.
During this time, Hazel was often left alone without adequate
food/water and unpredictable medical treatment.

5) Recently, 2010 Hazel’s mother petitioned the courts to have the
custody order modified. Unfortunately, when the papers were served,
Christine Okeke refused to come to court, stating She was still mentally
impaired. Since then, Hazel’s medical condition began to deteriorate.
She began to show signs of acute hearing loss (ear infection) and
vision impairment. Uchenna, concerned there would be no further
litigations, reported the abuse to the local police department. The
eight year old began showing signs of anemia, appearing dehydrated
was being denied access to the bathroom and the refrigerator.

6) CPS was again notified about Hazel’s condition and further investigation is now pending. Her health is still poor and she is expected at Texas Children’s Hospital for her followup appointment. At this point there has been no intervention by the authorities, although the on going abuse taking place has been evident. Therefore, Hazel was put on to an antineoplastic medication for her sickle cell, called “Hydroxyurea”. Known as a chemotherapeutic drug, it is sure to have potent side effects. As of now, local officials are aware of Hazel’s fragile state and should
be handling the case.

7) Uchenna’s goal has always been to take care of Hazel on her own or enter to into a working relationship. Someone who could be a father to Hazel. Unfortunately, Joseph and Christine have made this increasingly difficult for her. Numerous attempts at establishing herself have only led to failure and heartache. She recently became homeless again and lost her car during this process. Both Joseph and Christine were charged with Criminal Mischief and Auto Theft for their part in this upset. Neither one can get along with Uchenna anymore and see her as a threat to Hazel McMiller.

8) Today, Hazel is home for the summertime and has been enjoying her holidays playing in the pool with her cousins Saule and Aras. Her health is still Uchenna’s main concern as she has been on antineoplastic drugs, which have been administered orally, for 5 years now. She will be returning to Elementary School in the fall, which she has become so excited about. But at the age of nine she is becoming disheveled looking and unkept. 2012 has been hard for her as she has not been receiving her medication properly with food. She has complained to her mother that she sometimes goes without breakfast or lunch. How Christine has neglected to provide adequate food and water for Hazel still remains a mystery. She has lived with her grandparents since the age of two and is still not being looked after.
