Take action against coalmining destroying the Barrier Reef

There’s been a development in the campaign against the reckless expansion of the coal industry and we need your help to apply some crucial pressure.

What took place?

The Great Barrier Reef is in danger. Earlier this month the Australian Institute of Marine Science released a report stating that half of the coral cover in the Reef has vanished in the past 27 years.

But instead of listening to this and taking steps to protect the Reef, Federal Environment Minister, Tony Burke, has just approved a massive new coal terminal right in the World Heritage Area.

Who’s involved?

The terminal will be built by 2 companies – Korean giant Samsung C&T and a Brisbane-based firm, Smithbridge Group.

What do we need to do?

As a Queensland company, Smithbridge should be protecting the Reef, not destroying it. We need to send them a clear message, but we have to do so quickly, before the contract is locked in.

Please contact Smithbridge

Tell the Smithbridge Managing Director Albert Smith that you are against the company building a new coal terminal in the Great Barrier Reef and will support Greenpeace’s efforts to stop it going ahead. You don’t need to have extensive knowledge on the issue, please be courteous and simply make your opposition known. For more information, please click here: http://www.greenpeace.org.au/blog/?p=5479

Call Mr Smith on 07 3908 5900 or email albert.smith@smithbridge.net

Don’t forget to email us at climate.au@greenpeace.org and let us know how you went!

Why is the proposed terminal a bad idea?

The proposed coal terminal at Abbot Point near Bowen – known as T3 – would be capable of exporting 60 million tonnes of coal per year. It would require 3 million cubic metres of dredging and, at full capacity, would add an extra 500 coal ships slicing through the Reef every year. It also would destroy part of the Caley Valley wetlands, which is home to threatened bird species.

Thank you for standing up for our nation’s iconic national treasure. We couldn’t do it without you.

Georgina Woods

Climate and Energy Campaigner
Greenpeace Australia Pacific

PS Do you live in Brisbane? Join our Brisbane local group, which has been putting up posters, talking to community members and collecting petition signatures. For more information or to join, please email us at volunteer.au@greenpeace.org


To Smithbridge Managing Director Albert Smith

Dear Sir.
I am strongly opposed to your company building a new coal terminal in the Great Barrier Reef and I am supporting Greenpeace’s efforts to stop it going ahead. Your proposed coal terminal at Abbot Point near Bowen would be capable of exporting 60 million tonnes of coal per year. It would require three million cubic metres of dredging and, at full capacity, would add an extra 500 coal ships slicing through the GB Reef every year.
Your environmentally irresponsible and destructive project will require clearing and building in part of the Caley Valley Wetlands. This eco-sensitive area, is home to endangered birds. We will seek advice as to how international agreements can stop your disgusting selfish project. Your new terminal will loom over a turtle a nesting site, remove seagrass where dugongs feed and deposit coal dust in waterways that wash out into the Reef.

Just when we as inhabitants of planet earth need to urgently reduce greenhouse emissions, your reckless proposition will selfishly do the opposite.We will publically expose you and your inconsiderate management and shareholders for what you are. I will be spreading this message widely via the social media. Future generations will view you and your disgusting company as nothing but environmental vandals. Geoff Dowsett. Sydney