Who is protecting the Great Barrier Reef?

TAKE ACTION FOR OUR REEF© Darren Jew / Greenpeace  
Who is protecting the Great Barrier Reef? It’s come down to us.

“We're talking about the Reef.  If you can't get your environmental protections and systems in place on this one you may as well give up.” 

The Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke said this in June. Last week, he approved an enormous new coal terminal, known as T3, in the World Heritage Reef.

Minister Burke may have given up, but we won’t.
TAKE ACTION: Tell Minister Burke you want strong Reef protection
The coal company developing T3 – GVK Hancock – stated in its environmental assessment that the adjacent Caley Valley wetlands are not considered important bird habitat.

But Greenpeace investigators obtained documents showing that the wetlands are in fact vital. There are 18 endangered, vulnerable or near-threatened bird species located there.

The government’s environmental process has failed. Yet the battle is far from over.

Times like these can be frustrating, but many great environmental campaigns suffer setbacks. Positive change depends on perseverance, courage and a belief in our collective power.

We will continue to uncover the truth and pressure the government and the coal industry. And we need people like you to build a strong movement to protect the Reef.

T3 is just one of the projects proposed in Australia’s coal expansion plans. The mining industry is lobbying the Environment Minister to approve these plans quickly. So we must demonstrate how many Australians are against them and want true protection for the Reef.

Please email, call or tweet Minister Burke today.

Thank you for continuing to take action for our precious Reef.

Georgina Woods
Senior Climate Campaigner

Greenpeace Australia Pacific

PS We're bringing together a community of people from all walks of life to help defend the Reef. If you haven't already, please join one of our passionate volunteer teams today.
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