Build the Mildura power plant - Rally

Date and Time: 
Saturday, January 23, 2010 -
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Image icon save_solar_systems_rally_20100123.jpg21.63 KB
Contact Name: 
Save Solar Systems
Parliament house, Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000

Premier John Brumby said in parliament on Nov 25 "we have $50 million on the table for the Mildura solar project which I am confident will be delivered." But it hasn't been delivered. Company Solar Systems, which had the contract to build the Mildura solar power plant, faces liquidation. The administration period has been extended to Feb 17, but Labor is refusing to step in to guarantee the Mildura solar plant.

The project would have created 1000 green jobs and powered over 45,000 homes. Kevin Rudd posed over climate change in Copenhagen, but at home Australia's first large scale solar projects is on the verge of collapse and he has nothing to offer. Why no stimulus for renewable energy? If the market can't deliver, government must step in.

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