MARXISM 2010: Ideas to challenge capitalism

Contact Phone: 
0410 861 093
Date and Time: 
Thursday, April 1, 2010 - 6:30pm to Sunday, April 4, 2010 - 7:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
University of Melbourne Student Union, Parkville (just north of the CBD)

Marxism 2010 is a 4 day conference hosted by Socialist Alternative over the Easter weekend.

It will be bringing together hundreds of socialists and other left-wing activists from across Australia and the world. Marxism 2010 features international guest speakers from the US, Palestine, China, South Africa and elsewhere. But that is only a part of the event. There will be more than 60 sessions over the weekend, on topics ranging from radical history to the fight for women's and LGBTI liberation, imperialism and the Middle East, the global economic crisis and workers' struggles today.

Some of the International speakers and special events that will be featured at this year's conference are:

Renowned investigative journalist and documentary film-maker John Pilger.

Sameh Akram Habeeb. Palestinian journalist based in Gaza and founder of the Palestinian Telegraph - one of the first websites and electronic resources to operate directly out of Gaza.

Alyawarr spokesperson and leader Richard Downs, from Ampilatwatja community in the Northern Territory, who will speak on opposing the ongoing rollout of the NT Emergency Response (NTER) Measures and gather support for the community protest camp established in the middle of 2009 on his traditional country.

Trevor Ngwane. Veteran anti-apartheid activist and founder of the Anti-Privatisation Forum and the Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee which led the fight against electricity and water cut-offs in South Africa's urban working class townships.

Ashley Smith. Ashley Smith is an American Marxist activist, journalist and editor. He is an organizer for the International Socialist Organization. He is on the editorial board of the International Socialist Review and has written for numerous left-wing publications such as CounterPunch, Dissident Voice, Socialist Worker, and ZNet.

Ignatius Mahendra Kusumawardhana. Vice Chairperson of the International Department, Working Peoples Association. Has previously been involved in struggles against the Soeharto dictatorship and more recently involved in campaigns to defend working class living standards against Government attacks.

From the Lower East Side to the Warsaw Ghetto: the Jewish radical tradition, given by long term Socialist Janey Stone

Did Lenin lead to Stalin? A debate between Adrian Jones a lecturer in Russian history at LaTrobe University and Diane Fields from Socialist Alternative

How real was the threat of fascism in Australia during the 1930s? Associate Professor of History at the University of Western Sydney Andrew Moore

Amongst the 60 sessions we will be having over the weekend, we will be holding two specialty streams, including: The Marxist foundations Stream and Women, Sexuality and Oppression. These streams in particular are devoted to addressing some of the core questions to do with Marxist politics, for all those who are coming into contact with Marxist ideas for the first time or are wanting deepen their understanding of revolutionary politics.

To find out more about these particular sessions or purchase tickets please click on the link
