Sulawesi: Stop the bulldozers in the nature reserve!

Rettet den Regenwald e.V.

Sulawesi: Stop the bulldozers in the nature reserve!
The destruction can still be stopped
Dear friends of the rainforests,

A call for help reached us from the Indonesian island of Sulawesi: “A mining company’s bulldozers are destroying our mangroves and ancient trees. The district chief has issued a concession for a nickel mine to the PT. Gemah Ripah Pratama company. The affected area is right in the middle of the Morowali nature reserve – a unique rainforest that has been under strict environmental protection since 1999.

We have lodged complaints with the authorities but so far, all our efforts have been in vain. This is why we are now turning to nature lovers all over the world: With international support, we may still be able to stop the bulldozers.

Please sign our petition to the Indonesian president and the minister of forestry. Ask them to stop the illegal mining activities and the destruction of the Morowali nature reserve.”

We are forwarding this appeal to all friends of the rainforest:

Please also forward this appeal to your friends and family, or post this link on your Facebook wall:

Many thanks for your support,

Reinhard Behrend
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)