A call from Demetriou


What an amazing beginning.

Two weeks ago I launched my Change.org petition calling on the AFL to to take a stand against homophobia in footy. I had no idea what it would set in motion.

Soon more than 25,000 had signed and we’d been covered on every single TV channel. It was all over radio and newspapers around the country.

Then, two days ago I was on my lunch break at work. A blocked number called my mobile. It was Andrew Demetriou (CEO of the AFL)!?! He was ringing to congratulate me on the stand I’d taken, and wanted to talk about what the AFL might do.

Today it was splashed across the front page of The Age: “The AFL will broadcast ‘No to homophobia’ advertisements on the big screen at the preliminary finals as part of a major push to stamp out discrimination”. It will take much more than a few ads to change the culture that exists in footy -- but it’s an important first step. 

I’ll keep talking to the AFL -- and keep arguing for more action, including a pride round next year. Nothing could send a stronger signal that people were welcome in footy no matter their sexuality.

But signs are good that if we keep demonstrating community support we’ll see even more progress. This morning Demetriou said “I can assure you that we've got further plans into the future.” I intend to help make those plans, and will need your help to do so -- I’ll keep you posted.

For now we should celebrate this amazing progress and the clear commitment the AFL has made. Check out this photo I took of The Age story on the front page -- and share it around to spread the good news!

I also want to say thanks so much to everyone for all the support that I’ve received through email, twitter and facebook - it’s made something that could have been hard so much easier. I especially want to thank those of you who shared very personal stories. It’s our stories that help people understand why this is so important.

I’ll be in touch again as we keep working for more real action.

Until then -- thank you.



P.s. There’ll be a segment on The Project tonight on Channel 10 talking about the issue and the campaign -- tune in to check it out.