Take the power back


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Sign our petition and tell our energy ministers that enough is enough on rising electricity prices! 
Take the Power Back 

Household electricity bills are soaring, and the main driver is the multi-billion-dollar price tag for energy infrastructure. We need a more efficient energy market, one that works in the best interests of Australian consumers.

Without major reforms to this broken system, wasteful spending will continue to increase our bills. Energy ministers from around the country are debating how to fix the system and will make crucial decisions before the end of 2012.

But if we don't get behind the push for energy reform, the energy ministers will drag their feet. That's why we're launching Take the Power Back, and telling the energy ministers that Australian consumers expect action now.

This is your chance - the time to act is now! Sign our petition!

By emailing your state and federal energy minister, you can ask them to fix the single biggest driver of rising electricity bills.

We want governments from around Australia to cooperate and reform our electricity system to stop soaring household bills in the future. Now is not the time for petty politics.
