Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal rights events for your diary - 3 events from 25 September 2012

Last updated: 19 September 2012

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25-27 September 2012: Alice Springs, NT
National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples:
Public Events at NC 12 Alice Springs 25-27 September
"Members, friends and curious locals are very
welcome to come and meet Delegates, Board
and staff and hear more about what we stand
for and the work we do at two public events."
Event details:
Event details:
Congress website:

Event: Tue 16 October 2012: CDU, Casuarina, Darwin, NT
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research,
The Federation Press and the Sidney Myer Fund
warmly invite you to the:
Book Launch of 'People on Country,
Vital Landscapes, Indigenous Futures'
Edited by Jon Altman and Seán Kerins
Host: Dan Gillespie
Launcher: Marion Scrymgour, followed by contributions from
Indigenous ranger partners and authors
Location: Charles Darwin University
"Over the past four decades Aboriginal people living in
remote and regional Australia have been empowered by land
rights and native title laws to claim back large tracts of
their ancestral lands. ...
This book seeks to reposition Indigenous people and their
caring for country activities from the margins to the very
core of the growing national conversation on issues such as
climate change, biodiversity loss and resource depletion. ... "
Book & Event details:
Book details:
Event details, page 4 of newsletter:
RSVP by 2 October 2012: [for details scroll down page]

Event: 10 December 2012: various locations internationally
UN International Human Rights Day

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