Public rally to end the wars and restore civil liberties

Date and Time: 
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 -
5:00pm to 8:30pm
CNR Swanston and Collins streets Melbourne.

On September 11 2001 in the U.S, An event known as the 9/11 attacks changed our world..
That day over 3000 people lost their lives and over 70,000 people who were in the Lower Manhattan area are still suffering major health problems due to inhaling concrete dust and other toxins, many still die each year.

The attacks were not only directed at major landmarks, they were directed at the people.
In the Lower Manhattan attacks, citizens and rescue workers selflessly tried to help each other.
The attacks were designed to instill fear and hopelessness as another plane struck and then the subsequent destruction of the towers spread hundreds and thousands of tonnes of pulverised concrete across the area.

To the people of Lower Manhattan that day:
Your day started off bad, and it just got worse, our hearts go out to the survivors and rescue workers who are are battling for their own lives, proper health care and some sort of compensation.

These attacks were used to justify multiple wars, millions of deaths, change of local and global policies world wide, the expansion of state surveillance and the degradation of civil liberties.
Religion and patriotism caused major divisions within societies as a result.

On Tuesday September 11, 2012
Keynote speakers will present an overview of the past fifteen years of civil rights and social unrest - covering such topics as the anti-globalisation movement, the 9/11 attacks and subsequent wars; and the global movement for social change in 2011/12
The floor will then be opened to suggestions on how we can move forward as a community to end wars and regain liberties that have been lost.

Show your concern for bloodshed and destruction of civil liberties around the world.
5pm onwards on Tuesday September 11 2012
CNR Swanston and Collins streets Melbourne.
