WGAR News: "Sovereign Union of Nations is inevitable, but it needs to grow from the grassroots"

Newsletter date: 11 September 2012

* Michael Anderson: Sovereign Union of First Nations is inevitable
* Enlightning Productions: George Gaymarani Pascoe, from Milingimbi, NT
* Enlightning Productions: Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, Spokesperson for Yolgnu Nations Assembly
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement
* Prof. Diego De Leo: Reducing Indigenous suicide through empowerment and pride
* Eddie Cubillo: Racism in the Justice System
* ANTaR: We need to talk about racism
* Other articles


- Media Release

Sovereign Union of First Nations is inevitable
Michael Anderson, Darwin
Sovereign Union: http://nationalunitygovernment.org/content/sovereign-union-first-nations...
3 Sep 12: "[Photo] Left to right: Michael Ghillar Anderson, George Gaymarani Pascoe, Dr. Djiniyini Gondarra
In our discussions Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, George Gaymarani Pascoe and I agreed that a Sovereign Union of Nations is inevitable, but it needs to grow from the grassroots. We agreed its success can only be achieved if our people want it.
The Sovereign Union is about building a protective shelter while our people go through the hard, long process of organising from the community level up. Each of the sovereign nations’ sovereign independence dictates that they make their own rules about their own governance, while the Sovereign Union National Unity government deals with national and international political agenda items that will be dictated to by the individual sovereign nations."


- Video

YouTube: George Gaymarani Pascoe, from Milingimbi, NT
By Enlightning Productions
5 Sep 12: "George Gaymarani Pascoe, from Milingimbi, NT, emphasises the role of education in the sovereignty movement."


- Video

YouTube: Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, Spokesperson for Yolgnu Nations Assembly
By Enlightning Productions
5 Sep 12: "Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, Spokesperson for Yolgnu Nations Assembly, describes the role of the assembly in the sovereignty movement."

- Related Video

SBS On Demand: Yolngu Nation
9 Sep 12: "In the Northern Territory, the Aboriginal vote proved a major factor in the election of the Country Liberal Party to government.. Among the talking points before the election were the need for more consultation with communities and a push for greater self determination. Allan Clarke investigates the call for a Yolngu Nations Assembly."


Last updated: 3 September 2012



- Analysis / Opinion

The Conversation: Reducing Indigenous suicide through empowerment and pride
10 Sep 12: "We’ve long known that rates of suicide in Indigenous communities are higher than the wider Australian population. But we’re much less clear about why this is the case. Each life lost to suicide reminds us of the need to better identify the causes and implement effective prevention strategies. Between 1994 and 2006, the rate of suicide in Indigenous people averaged 25.7 per 100,000 people - about 70% higher than in non-Indigenous Australians. Although rates have been decreasing in recent years, suicide among Indigenous people remains disproportionately high relative to non-Indigenous Australians." By Professor Diego De Leo, Director, Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention, Griffith University


- Speech

Rollback the Intervention:
Keynote address by Eddie Cubillo, Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, Northern Territory
Racism in the Justice System
Aug 2012: "Racism continues in the Northern Territory’s Justice system. Recent statistics show continuing and alarming incarceration rates of Aboriginal people. The rates keep growing while the populist, 'tough on crime' policy and legislative response affects Aboriginal people disproportionately - Adults, Male, Female and Youth."

- Related News

Adelaide Now: Lack of reform around Aboriginal deaths in custody is a national shame
2 Sep 12: "THE lack of response to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody is a disgrace, says Ralph Bonig. THIS month marks the 25th anniversary since the announcement of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. The response to the commission's findings is a disgrace. The final report was delivered in April 1991 and it made some 339 recommendations. Some have been implemented but there is debate about the actual number as the reporting process is inconsistent."


- Media Release

ANTaR: We need to talk about racism
"ANTaR welcomes the launch today of the national Anti-Racism Strategy, developed by the Race Discrimination Commissioner in partnership with government and peak representative organisations.
"We need to talk about racism. Denial ignores the reality of harm and sends a message that racist attitudes and behaviors are acceptable," said Jacqueline Phillips, ANTaR National Director.
Consultations showed that 90% of survey respondents said that racism was an extremely important or very important issue facing individuals and Australia as a whole.
"Racism should not be part of our national identity. Admitting we have a problem is the first step in addressing it."
The Strategy includes a core focus on racism experienced by Australia’s First Peoples. ... "

- Related News

National Indigenous Radio Service: ANTaR points to lack of anti-racism strategy funding
10 Sep 12: "The head of one of Australia's peak Indigenous rights advocacy group has called for more funding for the new National Anti-Racism Strategy. The Human Rights Commission release the strategy last month, alongside the 'Racism. It Stops With Me' campaign to raise awareness of the problem of racism. Jacqui Phillips of Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation says a lack of resources could see the strategy's failure."


- Speech

Congress: Sir Ron Wilson Lecture 2012: Dennis Eggington
30 Aug 12: "Congress director Denis Eggington delivered the 2012 Sir Ronald Wilson Lecture entitled, "The Shackles Of Justice: The Impact of the British/Australian Legal System on Aboriginal West Australians from Colonisation to the Present." The event was presented by the Law Society of Western Australia. ... Click here to read the full speech."

- Statement

Green Left: Julian Assange to receive Aboriginal Passport
10 Sep 12: "The Indigenous Social Justice Association (ISJA) and the Support Assange and WikiLeaks Coalition released the statement below on September 9. * * *
It is with a sense of pride and complete social justice that this Association has worked with the Sydney Support Assange and WikiLeaks Coalition to have the privilege of successfully arranging for Julian Assange to be able to be issued with an Aboriginal Nations Passport that his father, John Shipton, will accept on his behalf at the Welcome to Aboriginal Land Passport Ceremony to be held at The Settlement, 17 Edward Street, Darlington from 11am to 4pm on Saturday 15 September, 2012."

- News

National Indigenous Radio Service: FNPP planning to go Federal
10 Sep 12: "The founder of the First Nation's Political Party (FNPP) says he'll call a meeting in Federation Square in Melbourne next month to gather support for the next Federal election. Maurie Japarta Ryan says in four weeks, he gathered eight candidates and ran for the Northern Territory election with a budget of $900. Mr. Ryan says having an Indigenous political party run at the NT election was a historic event and he will not stop now."

Hendo didn’t see outback backlash coming
newsTracker: http://tracker.org.au/2012/09/hendo-didnt-see-outback-backlash-coming/
Australian: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/breaking-news/labor-didnt-see-nt-el...
10 Sep 12: "FORMER Northern Territory leader Paul Henderson says he didn't foresee the rural backlash that heralded a crushing election loss last month. In the first major interview since the Labor election loss on August 25, Mr Henderson told ABC Radio on Monday a "heady brew" that included the federal government's intervention in Aboriginal communities, shire amalgamations and the rise of the First Nations Party had played a part in the loss."

Australian: Dismay at ignored income proposal
10 Sep 12: "NINE indigenous communities in the remote Ngaanyatjarra Lands of Western Australia say they have been pushing for income management for more than two years, but on their own terms."

National Indigenous Times: Toomelah, Mungindi leaders call for change in use of NSWALC funds
6 Sep 12: "By National Indigenous Times reporter Geoff Bagnall. Leaders in the Toomelah and Mungindi communities have called for the NSW Aboriginal Land Council to be allowed to investment its hundred of millions of dollars of funds back into Aboriginal communities on programs that would enable the communities to become self-sufficient."

National Indigenous Times: Szoke tells Abbott think again about changing race law
6 Sep 12: "The Race Discrimination Commissioner Helen Szoke has urged Federal Opposition leader, Tony Abbott to rethink his proposal to repeal racial vilification laws. Mr Abbott has said a future Coalition government would roll back laws which prohibit statements that offend on racial or ethnic grounds, as part of a "new debate about freedom of speech"."

National Indigenous Times: Yindjibarndi await court result to regain control
6 Sep 12: "By National Indigenous Times West Australian reporter Gerry Georgatos. The Yindjibarndi people have lodged a Federal Court action against Fortescue Mining which if successful will force the miner to negotiate with the Yindjibarndi Corporation on a proposed mining project."

National Indigenous Times: Yeelirrie custodians continue their fight against uranium mining
6 Sep 12: "BY National Indigenous Times West Australian reporter Gerry Georgatos. West Australia's Yeelirrie Traditional Custodians have vowed to fight Canadian based multinational CAMECO from digging for uranium on Yeelirrie country."

Koori Mail: Aboriginal votes give CLP power
[scroll down page] http://www.koorimail.com/index.php?page=Current+Edition
5 Sep 12: "THE Northern Territory once again has six Aboriginal parliamentarians - at least four, and most likely five of them, from the Country Liberals. The last time the Aboriginal head count was so high in the 25-seat Legislative Assembly, it was entirely down to Labor. Aboriginal votes delivered government to the CLP on 25 August. And the man credited, in turn, with delivering Aboriginal voters to the CLP says it was all part of a savvy campaign that began quite some time ago with the conservative party really listening to Aboriginal people."

Congress: Government Addresses Congress Concerns in Historic Education Reform
4 Sep 12: "The Congress Co-Chairs welcome moves by the Government to ensure that all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, no matter where they are in the school system, will benefit from education reforms. "We raised our concerns about the funding model in our submission to the Gonski Review and to the Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth directly," said Co-Chair, Jody Broun. "We have been informed by the Minister’s office that the Government is proposing to address this issue by providing a loading on a sliding scale to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. ... ""

The Wire: Government changes Gonski reforms after criticism on Indigenous funding
4 Sep 12: "Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced a crusade on education yesterday in hope to bring Australia into the world’s top 5 in maths, science and reading. Under the proposal teachers will undergo yearly performance reviews and there will be tighter entry restrictions for those wanting to study teaching at universities. The government will also provide funding for the disadvantaged students, with Minister Peter Garrett announcing that every Indigenous student in every school will be eligible for extra funding.
Featured in story:
* Greg Thompson - Lecturer in the School of Education at Murdoch University
* Rod Little - Director at the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples"

Green Left: Could Twiggy’s 'native title swindle' come undone?
31 Aug 12: "Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation (YAC) may soon have a win against the mining corporation they allege has used dirty tactics and manipulation to force them into a mining deal they don’t want." By Peter Robson

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'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media, focusing on:
* the Australian Federal government intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities;
* the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and tent embassies;
* other Aboriginal rights issues; and
* upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia.

'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources. These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.

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