Construction workers fight back against media lies, police violence and union bashing

Contact Phone: 
0410 513 302
Date and Time: 
Thursday, September 6, 2012 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Vashti Kenway
Socialist Alternative Centre Trades Hall, Cnr Victoria and Lygon St, Carlton

In the age of cutbacks Victoria's construction workers and their union (CFMEU) show how to fight back. The last week has seen a massive escalation of the battle between the giant building corporation Grocon and the CFMEU. Grocon is cutting safety corners and has tried to ban elements of union organising on site. In response the CFMEU has taken a stand. They have held pickets, fought back violent police attacks and remain firm. Come to this meeting and hear from CFMEU members and socialists about why this struggle needs to be supported.
