Whats Julian Assange saying to the world by seeking refuge in Equador

I have had close contact with Julian Assange many years ago & I am one of the few people in this country who is in possession
of his early literature, Julian used to frequent my friends BBS computer, Bulletin Board System, this was a time when personal computer networks dominated the world with out any government interference, note their was no internet back then we used different & original technology & we only had two or 16 colours to work with but we still managed to create a international communication network. I know Juilan was full aware of the oil crisis & I know his ideals were always Arcadian & I can see Julian saying to the world that we must learn to live without petroleum & learn a thing or two from countries like Italy or Equador, where they have slow food as opposed to fast food, we can experiment with technology but thats where it stops in the lab with experimentation & documented records, however our society as a whole must be Arcadian all while using simplified practical technology, we must think for future generations & we must create a sustainable world & we must not rape the planet & leave nothing for the following generations. We must put a cap on the industrial revolution & in many instances reduce our reliance on mechanization & most likely learn to once again use beasts or burden, those who support mechanization are the enemies of humanity.

Note this is just my opinion, people deserve a quality of life.