Protest at Maribyrnong Detention Centre. Stop deportations to danger

Date and Time: 
Saturday, September 22, 2012 -
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Marbyrnong Detention Centre, Hampstead Rd

Stop Deportations to Danger!
End Mandatory Detention!
No to offshore processing

On July 25, Dayan Anthony, a Tamil refugee, was deported to Sri Lanka against his will from the Maribyrnong Detention Centre. On arrival at Colombo airport he was handed over to the Sri Lankan intelligence service who interrogated him for 16 hours before forcing him to recant claims of torture under duress at a press conference. He and his family now live in fear of their lives.

They have good cause for concern. In a recent case, a Tamil refugee was deported from Britain, interrogated at the airport then released, only to be re-arrested later and tortured.

The refugee movement in Australia needs to step up our action to stop future forced deportations to danger. There is currently a legal challenge to deportations in the High Court. If this challenge fails we could see immediate moves to deport hundreds of refugees. Many of these refugees will be deported from Maribyrnong and other high security detention camps around the country.

At the same time, refugee policy is going from bad to worse, with the Gillard government moving to revive the cruel 'Pacific Solution' - dumping refugees attempting to reach Australia to seek protection on Nauru and Manus Island.

Join the Refugee Action Collective Victoria to demand an end to deportations to danger and offshore processing! Let the refugees into Australia! Let them stay!

1:00pm Saturday September 22nd
Marbyrnong Detention Centre, Hampstead Rd
Catch 82 tram.
